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I'm half black and half white so I have a caramel complexion with dark eyes." She said suddenly self-conscience of her own criticism of her body and looks"You sound perfect for a job that I have coming up! Would you be able to come by tomorrow for an audition?" He said"I could be there at 3. Would that work?" She asked excitedly"Perfect! See you then!"The next day she approached the non-descript office complex. She saw the door marked M&M Modeling. There was a buzzer and she heard the door unlock when she pushed it.As she stepped in a white man greeted her."Georgina! It is nice to meet you! I'm Mike and we spoke on the phone. Come on in. I need to see your photo ID.” He said and she pulled her driver’s license and he looked at her and then her“Thank you. Come on back here in the interview room.” He indicated a doorAs they walked in she noticed that there were a number of small furniture settings including a bed and a leopard skin sofa. He indicated for her to have a seat on the. I moved over to sit next to Jack. Gretchen climbed into Mack's lap showing a remarkable expanse of toned leg. She lay over on Mack and simply looked dreamy. Mack's eyes had an awed look of shock.No one said anything. Finally, I said, "Okay, you're here. Talk to us." Missus Sandy, we had a wonderful time. Gretchen was, is, gorgeous in the dress you sewed for her. She caught the eye of every man and a number of women in the restaurant and on the dance floor. Jack, your Valkyrie love child is awesome. When she smiled, she thrilled everyone though I basked in the warmth of that smile. She has proved to be an altogether lovely lady. I was and am proud to be with her."I hope to be with her a lot in the future. We just had to tell someone and knew you two would be interested even though it's not perhaps earth-shattering news." Poppa, Mom, just be happy for us and pray for us. That's all we ask."Jack said, "We will do both of those and gladly."Gretchen's eyes then dimmed. She said, "I want.
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